The Housing Authority of the City of Lomita oversees one HUD-funded Public Housing property, called Lomita Manor. Lomita Manor is a 78-unit gated senior housing community located at 24925 Walnut Street. The Housing Authority’s key objective is to continue to oversee regulatory compliance through a consistent and effective relationship with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the funding and regulatory agency. In addition, a paramount concern is to maintain clear communication with the property management company, called HumanGood, under contract for the operation of Lomita Manor.

If the waiting list is open, applications will be available via the Lomita Manor website. Eligible applicants must be 62 years of age or over at the time of application or have a documented permanent disability. As a Public Housing program subsidized through HUD, applicants must provide the requested documentation and financial information to prove eligibility, in accordance with HUD regulations and the Housing Authority’s Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP). If you have any questions, wish to request reasonable accommodations, or to confirm status on the waiting list, please contact the Lomita Manor office at (310)325-7055 or

Additional Housing Resources

  • Section 8: The City of Lomita does not administer any Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers. If you have Section 8 related questions and applications, please contact the Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA) at (626) 262-4511 or visit online at the County’s website.

  • Kiwanis Gardens is a HUD-subsidized property located in Lomita that is not affiliated with the City of Lomita. It can be reached directly at (310) 325-5310.

  • helps people list and locate housing in the County of Los Angeles, including affordable, special needs, emergency housing, and more. For help, call 1-877-428-8844 or visit online at the County’s website.

  • 211 LA guides LA County residents to the services, resources, & information needed to navigate life in Los Angeles County. To speak with an operator dial 211, or visit online at the County’s website.

  • PATH Los Angeles is a non-profit that provides support and services to individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless to successfully transition from living on the street, or in shelters, to thriving in homes of their own. Contact PATH at (323) 644-2200.

  • Housing Rights Center (HRC) is a non-profit that provides free counseling regarding landlord-tenant rights and responsibilities, including questions about Security Deposits, Evictions, Repairs, Rent Increases, Harassment and more. To contact HRC, call (800)477-5977, email:, or visit online at the HRC website.