The City of Lomita, in partnership with the American Red Cross, recently hosted “Sound the Alarm,” a free smoke detector installation event. This event was a resounding success, with a total of 78 smoke alarms installed across 21 homes, benefiting 51 residents throughout the Lomita area. Along with the installation, attendees received vital information on emergency preparedness and discussed evacuation plans.

A special thanks to the 25 volunteers who devoted their time and energy to ensure the safety and well-being of the Lomita community. The event also received support from the Los Angeles County Fire Department, the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and Lomita’s Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) consultant.

Lomita City Council presented a proclamation for “Red Cross Month” to Amy Papageorges, Executive Director of the American Red Cross, Greater Long Beach and South Bay Chapter and commended the Los Angeles Fire Department for their dedication in keeping the City safe, especially in the wake of the recent Vista Verde fire. 

It’s worth highlighting that having functional smoke detectors can cut the risk of death from home fires by 50%. Both the City of Lomita and the American Red Cross are committed to ensuring that all Lomita residents, especially those most at risk, have access to these life-saving devices.

For more information on emergency preparedness in Lomita, visit If you need a free smoke alarm installed or are interested in volunteering for similar events, you can sign up at