Number of Allowable ADUs or JADUs
Updated July 24, 2023 per Ordinance No. 854
For lots with an existing or proposed single-family dwelling, 1 accessory dwelling unit and 1 junior accessory dwelling unit shall be allowed on a lot.
For lots with an existing or proposed multifamily residential dwelling structure:
- No more than 25% of the number of the existing units, but at least 1 unit, shall be permitted as ADUs constructed within the non-livable space and are enclosed on at least 3 sides (e.g., storage rooms, boiler rooms, attics, basements, or garages) of the existing multifamily dwelling structure provided that applicable building codes are met; Fractions shall be rounded down to the next lower number of dwelling units, except that at least 1 accessory dwelling unit shall be allowed.
- Up to 2 accessory dwelling units shall be permitted as detached from the multifamily residential structure and may be attached or detached to each other.
ADU Definitions
Updated July 24, 2023 per Ordinance No. 854
(1) Accessory dwelling unit/ADU has the same meaning as that stated in Government Code Section 65852.2 as that section may be amended from time to time.
(2) Attached or Attached ADU means an ADU that shares at least one common wall with the primary dwelling unit.
(3) Converted ADU means an ADU that is constructed within all or a portion of the legally permitted existing interior space of an accessory structure or within all or a portion of the permitted existing interior space of a dwelling structure, including bedrooms, attached garages, and storage areas.
(4) Detached or Detached ADU means an ADU that is physically separated from, but located on the same lot as, a primary dwelling unit.
(5) Existing. A structure is “existing” if it was legally constructed, and the construction has passed all required final inspections.
(6) Junior accessory dwelling unit/JADU is a unit no more than 500 square feet in size and contained entirely within a proposed or existing single-family dwelling or within the walls of a garage attached to an existing single-family dwelling. It shall include permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, and cooking.
(7) Public transit has the same meaning as that stated in Government Code Section 65852.2 as that section may be amended from time to time.
(8) Floor area of an accessory dwelling unit means, for the purpose of this section, the area of each floor level included within the walls enclosing each dwelling unit. The floor area shall be measured from the outside face of the walls enclosing each dwelling unit including all closet space and storage areas contained within the unit, including habitable basements and attics, but not including unenclosed porches, balconies, or any enclosed garages or carports. For purposes of calculating allowable floor area of accessory dwelling units based on a proportion of the size of the primary residence, only the livable floor area of the primary residence shall be counted. The floor area of any other structures, for purposes of calculating total floor area, lot coverage, or other calculations, shall be calculated in the manner described in the relevant zoning regulations.

Requirements for ADU Rentals and Sales
Updated July 24, 2023 per Ordinance No. 854
- Cannot be sold, or title transferred separate and apart from the remainder of the property, except as provided in Section 65852.26 of the Government Code
- Restricted to the floor area and height allowed per the development standards of the time
- Owner-occupancy requirement must be consistent with California Government Code Sec. 65852.2.
- If the state allows the city to require owner-occupancy, the ADU shall be considered legal only so long as the owner resides at the property built with the ADU.
- Not to be operated as a short-term rental or rented for a period less than 30 days
- Restrictions binding upon any successor in ownership of the property