The City was informed in late 2018 that a parcel of land in the City of Torrance leased by Hi-Shear Corporation was a source of pollution that may be spreading into the City of Lomita. In areas of Torrance where the pollution has been found, it has entered the soil, groundwater and is emitting soil vapors that consist of volatile organic compounds (VOC’s), petroleum hydrocarbons and metals.
Hi-Shear is one of a number of parties that currently or previously owned or operated on the Skypark Commercial Properties, west of Crenshaw Blvd. The Skypark Commercial Properties investigation is focused on testing the extent of any VOCs on and around properties in Lomita and Torrance. While groundwater has been tested as part of the investigation, it is important to note that drinking water in the City of Lomita continues to meet state and federal drinking water standards and is safe to drink.
The Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board is the regulatory agency charged with overseeing the Skypark Commercial Properties investigations and clean-up. The City has also engaged Advisian, a Hydrogeology firm, to analyze the scientific data, review past reports produced related to this pollution matter and advise our community through the process. Dr. Mark Trudell of Advisian, briefed the City Council and community on the issue during the Council’s consideration of the issue. (View a video of the presentation or access a PDF version)
The City of Lomita has two top priorities on the Skypark Commercial Properties pollution matter: protect our residents and hold the responsible parties accountable for all costs incurred by the City. The City is focused on ensuring a thorough and complete investigation is completed as quickly as possible and that our residents have all of the information they need throughout the process.
Below is a map of the Skypark Commercial Properties site:
Click here to view larger version of map
Below is a timeline of the investigation, including links to additional resources, beginning with the most recent updates in the 2023 tab:
On October 14, 2024, the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board reviewed a time extension request for submission of waste discharge requirement permit request from Genesis Engineering and Redevelopment, Inc. After reviewing, the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board approved the following requests:
- Submittal of the WDR permit due date is extended from September 30, 2024 to December 31, 2024.
- Implementation of EISB due date is extended from December 31, 2024 to March 31, 2025.
- The first quarterly EISB progress report due date is extended from April 15, 2025 to July 15, 2025.
View Document and revised time schedule.
- Installing, developing and sampling three additional perched zone monitoring wells, two additional shallow zone (water table) monitoring wells and two additional intermediate zone monitoring wells on EAP Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
- Evaluating data and preparing an investigation report.
Middletown, Inc., submitted a Data Gap/Soil, Soil Vapor and Groundwater Assessment Work Plan to the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board, for Property 1, located at 24751 and 24777 Crenshaw Boulevard, Torrance, CA. This Work Plan addresses background, proposed interim remedial action plans, data gaps and scope of work. View Document.
vapor probes are not combined with results from the existing 85 ft-bgs soil vapor probes, submitting a report documenting the results of the soil and soil vapor investigations by April 7, 2023, notifying the Water Board at least seven days in advance of field work, and more.
- Confirm whether the elevated concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOC) identified in soil vapor along Amsler Street east of Crenshaw Boulevard were from releases at source areas that are not part of the Skypark Commercial Properties; and
- Determine soil vapor impacts on individual properties to establish source area location(s).
1.) To expedite off-site groundwater remediation for the SCP plume near and within the City of Lomita to prevent further migration of contaminants into Lomita neighborhoods and potential migration into Lomita’s drinking water supply.
2.) To install sentry wells between the plume and Lomita’s groundwater source to track migration of the plume and to trigger further action if contaminants are detected.
3.) To fill the data gaps that exist, including conclusive determination of the flow directions and merging of Gage and and Silverado Aquifers, as well as additional deep (Silverado) groundwater monitoring.
requirement in the June 18, 2021 Cleanup and Abatement Order No. R4-2021-0079 (“CAO”) for submission of the Second Tri-Annual 2022 Groundwater Monitoring Report. The current submission date is September 15, 2022 and they are requesting an extension to September 30, 2022.
The Los Angeles Water Board is providing this Opportunity to Comment on the proposed EAP IRAP. The Los Angeles Water Board will make a final decision about the EAP IRAP after the public and interested parties have had a chance to review and comment. Your participation is encouraged. The proposed EAP IRAP can be found online at:
You are encouraged to submit your comments via email to on or before October 14, 2022. If you want to submit via regular mail, please send to:
Kevin Lin, P.E.
Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board
320 West 4th Street, Suite #200
Los Angeles, CA 90013
La Junta del Agua de Los Ángeles está brindando esta oportunidad para comentar sobre el IRAP EAP propuesto. La Junta de Agua de Los Ángeles tomará una decisión final sobre el IRAP de EAP después de que el público y las partes interesadas hayan tenido la oportunidad de revisar y comentar. Se fomenta su participación. El IRAP EAP propuesto se puede encontrar en línea en: 3.PDF
Le recomendamos que envíe sus comentarios por correo electrónico a en o antes de: 14 de octubre de 2022. Si desea enviar por correo ordinario, envíelo a:
Kevin Lin, P.E.
Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board
320 West 4th Street, Suite #200
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Kevin Lin, P.E.
Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board
320 West 4th Street, Suite #200
Los Angeles, CA 90013
with requirements regarding soil vapor sampling, applicable permits, notifying LARWQCB prior to starting fieldwork, and a submission of a technical report for the implementation of the investigative component of the Revised EAP IRAP (Report) to the Los Angeles Water Board by December 30, 2022.
Upon review of the two reports, the City notes that Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Board’s proposed actions will leave a positive effect, but will not adequately achieve the remediation action objectives and lower the observed soil and groundwater impacts to the community in Lomita. The City also suggests a human health risk assessment (HHRA) should be conducted to identify whether the current soil vapor and perched groundwater conditions pose a potential risk to human health and/or require removal or treatment action.
In its review, the Water Board outlines the following requirements: installation of additional vapor probes in two locations; additional investigation, assessment, and confirmation sampling of subsurface soil and soil vapor beneath former Buildings No. 10, No. 11, and 12; and a revised Work Plan addressing Water Board’s comments by August 5, 2022.
Based on the categorizations, labeling, and analyses done by Terraphase Engineering, Inc. (“Terraphase”), Hamrick & Evans, LLP requests that Terraphase and the City of Torrance revisit their approaches toward the RAW and the EA RAW. These requests may be further discussed at the proposed meeting.
April 18, 2022 - Hi-Shear Corporation Submits Supplemental On-Site Vapor Intrusion Assessment Report
On March 3, 2022, the Regional Water Board approved Hi-Shear Corporation’s extension request to submit the Additional On-Site Vapor Intrusion Assessment Report by April 8, 2022.
Genesis Engineering and Redevelopment also submitted a Technical Memorandum on behalf of Hi-Shear Corporation regarding the soil vapor extraction (SVE) system located at 2600 Skypark Drive in Torrance. The memorandum proposes removing and replacing the SVE piping and shallow extraction wells from the western side or the facility.
On September 29, 2021, the Los Angeles Regional Water Board sent a letter to the Responsible Parties in response to the documentation received for the requirements of the CAO. To date, the Water Board received responses from Esterline Technologies Corporation, Excellon Acquisition, LLC, Excellon Technologies, LLC, Dasco Engineering Corporation, Magellan Aerospace, Middletown, Inc. and Hi-Shear Corporation.
Although a few of the Responsible Parties have submitted some of the required documents, the Water Board deemed that no party has complied with the CAO requirements to submit Revised Plans and Interim Remedial Action Plans. All Responsible Parties are encouraged to collaborate and must ensure full compliance immediately.
April 13, 2021 - Water Board Responds to City of Lomita’s Letter Inquiring About Ambient Air Samples
For additional information on the Hi-Shear site environmental assessment, going back to the early 1990s, residents may visit the State Water Resources Control Board GeoTracker webpage for the Hi-Shear Corporation.
Residents with questions about this matter may contact the City of Lomita Public Works Department at (310) 325-7110.
This page will continue to be updated as more answers become available or common questions and new information is identified.