On May 2, 2023, the City of Lomita City Council adopted Ordinance No. 848, implementing a by-district election system. A new district map was selected along with its election sequence: Districts 2 and 4 are up for election in 2024, and Districts 1, 3 and 5 are up for election in 2026. The City Council will continue to select the Mayor each year to serve a one-year term.
While the district formation process is complete, these pages remain live to serve as an archive of the election changes including the schedule, draft maps and resources.
The City is providing mapping tools to empower members of the public to draw and submit their own proposed district maps.
Mapping Tools
Online Mapping Tool: DistrictBuilder
How to Submit Maps
You can submit your map electronically, by mail, or in person.
Email: DrawLomita@LomitaCity.com
Submit by Mail or Drop Off in Person:
City Clerk’s Office
Attn: Districting
24300 Narbonne Ave
Lomita, CA 90717
All submissions are part of the public record and will be posted in their entirety to the Proposed Maps page.
Please send any questions, comments, and map suggestions to DrawLomita@LomitaCity.com; or contact the City by phone at (310) 325-7110.