October is designated as National Community Planning Month, a time to celebrate the role that planning plays in creating great communities. Planners work to improve the well-being of all people by taking a comprehensive perspective that leads to safer, resilient, more equitable, and more prosperous communities. City planners make long- and short-term plans/goals about the best way to use a city’s land and resources. They must keep in mind the future needs of the city’s population and recommend the placement of various infrastructures such as new housing, schools, and roads.
Just as importantly, the second week of October is Code Enforcement Officer Appreciation Week. The week is meant to highlight the vital role code enforcement officers play in the health and welfare of our communities. They address quality of life issues, nuisances and violations such abandoned and neglected properties that are substandard or unfit for human habitation which endanger lives and attract criminal behavior.
Thank you for your hard work!
Pictured left to right: Planning Intern Whitney Weisberg, Associate Planner Laura MacMorran, Director of Community and Economic Development Brianna Rindge, Assistant Planner Erika Barbero, and Code Enforcement Officer II Will Lawson.