At its meeting on March 15, the Lomita City Council approved the next phase of in-depth street work to further its plans for continuous street improvement. The upcoming project, slated to begin construction on April 11, 2022 and proceed through the Summer, is focused on high priority areas in Street Zones C and F (in the Northern portion of the City, please see map below) that require in-depth pavement rehabilitation or full reconstruction, and will also include upgrades to the curbs, gutters, and curb ramps to meet ADA requirements. This project represents more than $3 Million in continued investment in the City’s streets and has been partially funded through the City’s Local Revenue Measure L approved by residents in November 2020.
During construction, some street closures may be necessary, and parking may be impacted temporarily in the construction areas. In these circumstances, “No Parking” signs will be placed restricting on-street parking, and vehicles left in these areas during construction times may be towed at the owner’s expense.
For updated information on this upcoming project, or for questions or concerns related to the construction, residents can visit our website, contact the City’s Public Works Department directly at, or by calling City Hall at 310-325-7110.